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Abbey Class - Year 4

Welcome to Abbey Class

Abbey Class is a Year 4 class taught by Miss Needs and supported by Mrs Humphries and Miss Stevens.

In addition to our everyday learning within the classroom, the children of Abbey Class take on a variety of roles and responsibilities being the oldest in the school. We have groups of children who are play leaders, librarians, reflection space leaders and play leaders to support and lead others within our school. We endeavour to give every child the opportunity at taking on a role and encourage independence in preparation for transition to the middle school.

    Our School Day        

  Pupils must bring to school everyday:

  • Reading Record/Book
  • Book Bag
  • Water Bottle
  • Coat 
  • Packed Lunch (Unless having a School Dinner.)
  • Spare Hair Bobbles


 On Thursdays and Fridays, Abbey Class has PE.  Kits should please include the following: 

  • Black Shorts/Jogging Bottoms 
  • School PE sports top
  • School jumper or PE jumper 
  • Trainers

                                                Supporting Learning at Home


  In order to help your child reach their full potential please support them with these key areas at home:



  • Children should read at home every day for at least 20 minutes. The reading should be recorded in their reading record/diary and bought into school every day. Each book that your child reads can be quizzed on Accelerated Reader. Accelerated Reader allows children to explore their comprehension and understanding of the texts that they have read. Children can quiz either at home or at school. Each book read is worth points. These points are totalled into certificates and badges, based on how many texts a child has quizzed. Even if you do not manage to read at home, reading books and diaries need to be bought into school, so we can read with pupils in school. Please see the link below to access Accelerated Reader at home.



  • Children should be accessing Times Table Rockstars every day, for at least 5 minutes to support their understanding of Multiplication and Division.



  • In Abbey Class, we use the Decision Spelling programme. The programme is designed to support children's understanding and knowledge of phonetic awareness that they have learnt in previous year groups. Children are set homework on a Friday which needs to be returned by the following Tuesday. The homework set supports the spelling rule we are learning in class during the week.  In Years 3 and 4, there are words that children should be able to spell by the end of Year 4 respectively. Please see the links below for a full summary of words that are learnt across each year group. 

Abbey Class Long Term Plan 2023-24

Key resources and links for Year 4

  In addition to the above weekly homework. Pupils also have the option to complete an activity from the below homework grids once a week. Pupils will have the opportunity to share their learning with each other throughout the duration of the term. 

Abbey Class Half Term Overview Autumn A 2023

Abbey Class Half Term Overview Autumn B 2023

Abbey Class Half Term Overview Spring A

Abbey Class Half Term Overview Summer A
