From September 2021, schools will have to teach Relationships and Health Education.
You can read about these changes in this DfE guide for parents here:
Research shows that not delivering this vital education puts our children at greater risk of poor mental health. Current government Sex and Relationships Education (RSE) guidance states that children should learn about puberty before they experience it, but clearly this isn’t happening in some schools – one of the reasons why making this subject statutory in all schools is so important.
We also know that RSE has a protective factor when it comes to safeguarding children. The best way to safeguard children is to ensure that they receive information on naming parts of their body, knowing the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch, and having the skills and confidence to find and talk to a trusted adult to report any abuse.
Research now shows that children with better health (including mental health) and wellbeing are likely to achieve better academically. By learning about positive relationships, respect for themselves and others, and behaving appropriately and safely online, they are better able to enjoy their friendships and therefore have better focus at school. We recognise that parents play a vital part in their child’s RSE, and we encourage you to discuss these themes with your child at home as well.
We have worked hard to make sure that our new curriculum with the PSHE Association reflects:
• Our values of equality, inclusion and respect for all children and communities;
• Our children’s age and maturity levels, as well as their cultural and religious backgrounds;
• Every child’s learning needs; and
• What children need to know to be healthy and safe in school, in their personal relationships and in the wider world
Parent and Carer Consultation
At Old Cleeve First School, we are committed to working in partnership with you and are holding an additional consultation period, as we have revised our policy and curriculum. As part of this, we would like you to take a look at the long-term plan, as well as the medium term plan and to read the Policy document. We would then like to invite you to complete the consultation document on the school website; we would really appreciate your comments and feedback. Click on the image below to access the survey: