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Parent Community Group/Trustees

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up". - Galatians 6:9


Beacon Education comprises of one Board of Trustees.

In December 2021 we changed the name from Governors to Local School Councillors. In September 2022 WSAT became Beacon Education and we restructured the governance forming the Parent Community Group and the Academic Improvement Board - responsible for teaching and learning.


Old Cleeve Parent Community Group:

Mrs Emma Murch - Headteacher

Mrs Jess Bishop -   Parent Elected                                                                  

Miss Sarah Moody - Parent Elected   

Miss Megan Hunt - Parent Co-opted   

Mrs Lisa Roberts - Parent Co-opted        

Ms Carole (Mag) Hatton - Community Rep                                 

Rev Richard Higgins - Ex Officio Clergy Rep                         

Mrs Jane Bellamy - Link Trustee 

Mr Duncan Cooper - Parent Elected - resigned 28/3/23

Ms Rebecca Fox - Staff Rep 


Academic Improvement Group: this group meets four times a year, following the thrice-yearly assessment windows.

Mark Blackman (Chair) 

Emma Murch (Head)

Jane Bellamy (Trustee)

Trudy Danby  (Acting CEO)

Mag Hatton

Revd Richard Higgins  

Clerk - Helen Hatfield

Attendance at Parent Community Group Meetings 2023-246/11/2322/4/2426/6/24
Jess BishopYY 
Sarah Moody// 
Lisa Roberts YY 
Mag HattonYY 
Emma MurchYY 
Megan HuntYY 
Richard HigginsYY 
Jane Bellamy YY 
Rebecca FoxY/ 

Attendance at the Parent Community Group Meetings 2022-23


Jess BishopYYY
Sarah MoodyYYX
Lisa Roberts XYY
Duncan CooperXN/ resigned 
Mag HattonYYY
Emma MurchYYY
Megan HuntYYY
Richard HigginsYYX
Jane Bellamy YYY
Rebecca Fox//Y


Mrs Vicky Brown - community governor/Safeguarding Governor  resigned 03/04.2020 

Miss Sophie Cobb - Parent Elected Governor/ SEN Governor 30/11/18 - resigned 07/07/20

Ingo Gasperini - Parent governor  resigned 27/11/20

Mr Stephane Millar - Parent Elected Governor resigned 01/02/21

Mr Keith Hunt - Associate Member/ EYFS 30/04/2020 - resigned 13/01/21

Mrs Sonia Watters - Board Appointed 04/07/20 - resigned 30/6/21

Mr Harry Singer ** resigned 31/12/21 

Mrs Carole Pearce ** resigned 31/12/21

Father Simon Robinson ** resigned 31/12/21

** Moved to St Michael's School LSC

Jane Bellamy

Jane Bellamy (Link Trustee)

I was appointed as a foundation governor at Old Cleeve & St Michael's School in January 2019 and I am a Trustee for the WSAT.

For 15 years I was the headteacher of a C of E primary school near Milton Keynes & also acted as Head of the Virtual School for children in the care of the local authority. We moved to this area following my retirement & I am delighted to be able to be part of the governing body. I am keen to ensure that the Christian ethos of the school is upheld.

Mag Hatton

Mag Hatton - Foundation Governor - first appointed in 2017. 



Sarah Moody -Parent Governor responsible for Safeguarding 

I am passionate about children’s well being and believe this is key for engaging well at school. The 18 years experience I have within mental health services supports this and the ability to bring positive ideas and suggestions. I would also like to be able to support others in contributing to the children’s future and ensure all children get the opportunity to get the most out of the school environment.


Jess Bishop - Board Elected 

Ever since my daughter started at Old Cleeve First School and I witnessed first hand  the commitment and care of all the school staff, I have wanted to give back my time and support by joining the Local School Council. I have worked in Local Government for the past 14 years which has given me experience in governance, health protection and emergency management. I really care that the school is at the centre of the community and it has the support to continue to create a safe place where the children can develop confidence, learn and have fun.

Old Cleeve School has given my son the best start to education, so I am delighted to be able to give back via the Parent and Community Group. I am keen to support the school with parent engagement, ensuring everyone feels welcome and involved in their child/children's learning. I also hope to help promote the unique and remarkable things that make Old Cleeve School so special to new parents interested in joining our school community.

PCG members declare any business interests at the start of the meeting and withdraw if there is a potential conflict.

x - Apologies received

n- Not attending

Y - present

Old Cleeve/St Michael's  Attendance at LSC meetings 2021-22

 AttendedOut of a possible 
Rob Lakin (CEO)34
Emma Murch (Head)44
Simon Robinson - CHAIR to 12/21 -resigned)01
Carole (Mag) Hatton34
Duncan Copper -Chair from 01/2244
Richard Higgins34
Jane Bellamy  (link Trustee) 34
Carole Pearse (resigned 12/21)11
Harry Singer (resigned 12/21)01
Sam Horn 44
Gemma Cody-Boucher12
Sarah Moody24
Jessica Bishop 33
Charlotte Taylor 33

If you want to contact the Governors please phone or email the Clerk :

Mrs Helen Hatfield on 01984 632581 
