Welcome to Torre Class
Torre class is a Year 3 class taught by Miss Fox
Our School Day
Pupils must bring to school every day:
- Reading Record/Book
- Book Bag
- Water Bottle
- Coat
- Packed Lunch (Unless you are having a School Dinner.)
- Spare Hair Bobbles
Please ensure that all your clothing and equipment are named.
Torre Class has PE on Thursdays and Fridays,
Kits should please include the following:
- Black Shorts/Jogging Bottoms
- Plain white PE sports top
- School jumper or PE jumper
- Trainer
Supporting Learning at Home
To help your child reach their full potential, please support them with these key areas at home:
- Children should read at home every day for at least 10 minutes. The reading should be recorded in their reading record/diary and bought into school every day. Each book that your child reads can be quizzed on Accelerated Reader. Accelerated Reader allows children to explore their comprehension and understanding of the texts that they have read. Children can quiz either at home or at school. Each book read is worth points. These points are totalled into certificates and badges based on how many texts a child has quizzed. Even if you do not manage to read at home, reading books and diaries need to be bought into school so that we can read with pupils in school.
Please see click link below to access Accelerated Reader at home.
Accelerated Reader
- Children should be accessing Numbots and/or Times Table Rockstars every day for at least 10 minutes to support their understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Please see click link below to access TT Rock Stars or Numbots at home.
Times Table Rock Stars